
Prosthetic dentistry replaces missing teeth. Fixed prosthetics include crown and bridge work that is permanently cemented onto your natural teeth or implants.Full Dentures and Partial Dentures. We improve the function and the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, as well as your quality of life. By saying that we don’t mean just your beauty but also your health.
Varga Dental – Dr. Varga Tas

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9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 1/b
+36 70 212 95 63
+36 96 206 602
Open hours
Hétfő: | egyeztetés alapján |
Kedd: | 9-17 |
Szerda: | 9-17 |
Csütörtök: | 9-17 |
Péntek: | 9-17 |
Szombat: | 9-17 |