Our practice
Wellcome in our praxis!
Name: Dr. Varga Tas
Date of birth: 1975.09.12., Szabadka
2004. Specialist of Dental and Oral Diseases, at the Semmelweiss Ignác University of Budapest, Hungary
1999.-2000. University of Szeged Faculty of Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi Albert Medical and Pharmaceutical Center, Departure of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Szeged, Hungary
1994.-1999. University of Novi Sad Faculty of Medicine, Departure of Dentistry, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Participation in various advenced education seminars and courses organized both locally and abroad
Prosthetics and aesthetic dentistry
Basics of dental impantology
English, German, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian

Dr. Varga Tas

Écsi-Balázs Szilvia
Dental Assistant

Implant system
CAMLOG is a leading supplier of comprehensive systems and products for implant dentistry and restorative dentistry. Our implant systems are characterized by an ideal number of system components and easy and efficient handling properties. For novices in implant dentistry, we arrange their partaking in implantations carried out by experienced implantologists and we also provide proven information materials for patients and users in our media center.
Implant system
The quality policy is a derivative of the organizations values and purpose. Quality is achieved through a combination of different approaches, cooperation between holders of different interests, and implementation and control of processes. The responsibility for quality is in the hands of the management and team members working together as one.
digital dentistry
For more than 30 years, CEREC has been synonymous with the creation of restorations in a single visit. We have continuously developed and improved CEREC to meet your requirements and satisfy your patients’ demands. Today its capabilities extend far beyond single restorations. The CEREC solution spectrum covers three key areas: restorative, implantology and orthodontics, both for chairside and clinic-to-laboratory workflows – giving you the ideal set-up for the future.
9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 1/b
+36 70 212 95 63, +36 96 206 602
Varga Dental – Dr. Varga Tas

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9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 1/b
+36 70 212 95 63
+36 96 206 602
Open hours
Hétfő: | egyeztetés alapján |
Kedd: | 9-17 |
Szerda: | 9-17 |
Csütörtök: | 9-17 |
Péntek: | 9-17 |
Szombat: | 9-17 |