
Our wisdom teeth are the last in the dentures, most of the time they are difficult to access so they are also very difficult to clean. This makes them more likely to puncture. If the decay or inflammation of the wisdom tooth has already progressed, and as a result the tooth can no longer be saved, wisdom tooth extraction is inevitable. The procedure is always performed under local anesthesia.
The process of wisdom tooth removal is the removal of a completely pierced tooth like any other tooth. However, if the wisdom tooth is below the gum and is embedded in the jaw, it involves incision of the gum or removal of the bone above the tooth. Such a tooth is often removed not in one but in small pieces.
Tooth root resection may be considered when comprehensive root canal treatment is no longer possible or healing does not occur after several attempts. Most of the time, this treatment is your last chance to save your tooth. This saves part of the root apex, so the tooth does not die and does not have to be pulled out.
Before performing root canal removal, root canals should be inspected or replaced for root-filled teeth, and teeth without root canals should be root-treated and filled. Root apex resection becomes necessary if another root filling is also unsuccessful. If the root canal can be done properly and is successful, it is possible to avoid surgery.
A bone graft is a surgical procedure to repair, or rebuild, bones through the transplantation of bone tissue. By transplanting healthy bone tissue we can recreate bone and supporting tissues that are missing. Bone grafting is a technique that is required when a patient does not have a sufficient amount of healthy natural bones in his or her mouth that are capable of supporting the dental implants. This deficiency of natural bones can be caused by:
- Development Defects
- Gum Disease
- Face Injury or Trauma
- Empty Space After Teeth Were
- Remove
o What Is a Sinus Lift?
A sinus lift, sometimes called a sinus augmentation, is a surgery that adds bone to your upper jaw in the space between your molars and premolars, which is also the space between your jaw and the maxillary sinuses on either side of your nose. To make room for the bone, the sinus membrane has to be moved upward, or “lifted,” which gives the surgery its name. A sinus lift is usually done by a dental specialist like an oral maxillofacial surgeon or a periodontist.
o When Do You Need?
When your dental implants can’t be placed because you don’t have enough bone height in the upper jaw, or your sinuses are too close to the jaw, you will likely need a sinus lift.
Varga Dental – Dr. Varga Tas

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